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Simple Present Tense Quiz
1 Do you like likes be like chocolate milk? Click for answer like
2 He do does is not want to come to the movies. Click for answer does
3 Is Are Am we too late to catch the bus? Click for answer Are
4 It is are am a beautiful day today. Click for answer is
5 Sorry, Lisa am is be not here at the moment. Click for answer is
6 Is Are Am I correct? Click for answer Am
7 Robert is does are not go to my school. Click for answer does
8 My parents live lives are live in a 2 bedroom apartment. Click for answer live
9 We do be are do are European. Click for answer are
10 You looks are be so happy today!

Present Continuous Tense Quiz
1 Is Are Am they coming over for dinner? Click for answer Are
2 Maxwell is are am not sleeping on our sofa. Click for answer is
3 My mother-in-law is stay staying be staying at our house this week. Click for answer staying
4 I eat eating am eating my dinner right now. Click for answer am eating
5 My sister learn is learning learning Spanish. Click for answer is learning
6 I work be working am working at the hair salon until September. Click for answer am working
7 We eat are eating eats at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason decided this yesterday. Click for answer are eating
8 When do you start starting are starting your new art class? Click for answer start
9 They are opening openning oppening a new record shop downtown. Click for answer opening
10 Melissa is lieing lying liying down on her bed.

Simple Past Tense Quiz
1 I goed went gone to the mall after school. Click for answer went
2 My brother seen saw sees a bear an hour ago. Click for answer saw
3 Did Are Does Mike visit his grandmother last night? Click for answer Did
4 Alex did not work worked working last weekend. Click for answer work
5 Was Were Are Judy and Liz at last month's meeting? Click for answer Were
6 We were was did not happy after the sad ending. Click for answer were
7 Are Did Do you see Jody's new dog yet? Click for answer Did
8 Sorry, I wasn't didn't am not hear you at the door. Click for answer didn't
9 I studying study studied English for two years. Click for answer studied
10 What do did were you eat for lunch yesterday?

Past Continuous Tense Quiz
Use the past continuous tense or simple past tense as appropriate.

1 My brother and sister are was were - playing tennis at 11am yesterday. Click for answer were
2 Were Are Was - you still working at 7pm last night? Click for answer Were
3 At 8.30am today I was am were - driving to work. Click for answer was
4 We was weren't won't - sleeping at 11pm. Click for answer weren't
5 Why was does were - he having luch at 4pm? Click for answer was
6 I (meet) John in town yesterday. He (shop). Click for answer met Click for answer was shopping
7 Mary (wait) for me when I (arrive). Click for answer was waiting Click for answer arrived
8 (he/have) a shower when I (call)? Click for answer Was he having Click for answer called
9 I (not/know) what to say when while - he asked that. Click for answer did not know Click for answer when
10 The telephone rang when while - we (watch) TV.